Kevin Ryall from IS A FRAUD !!!

Hello to anyone who's reading this blog post. I would like to inform you that Kevin Ryall, a  wannabe administrator of the website at, is a fraud and a scammer who slanders honest people leeching money out of them for services that can be acquired for free! I advise you to stay away from such dishonest, ungrateful and simply loathsome people who have no respect for others.


Here is the contact information of this person:


Postal Address


World University LLC

942 Broadway Street, Suite 314C, Boulder, CO 80302, United States


Tel: +1 303 731 3427




PO Box 849, Nerang, Queensland, 4211, Australia


Tel: +61 7 5641 4587


Telephone Contact


USA: +1 303 731 3427

AUS/NZ: +617 56414587

UK: +44 20 8133 0537


Skype: worldedu


Don't let yourself be bullied by such hypocrites!